A Man Fully Alive – Men’s Retreat

“There’s got to be more to my life than this!” Have you ever caught your self mulling over these words? You take on a new job. You move to a new commuity. You marry the girl of your dreams. You experience a major success. While all of these experiences and more bring about great excitement, you know deep down that there must be more to rewards than luck, than success. There must be more to life than simply achieving.

  1. Fully Alive Web Clip 1

  1. Fully Alive Web Clip 2

  1. Fully Alive Web Clip 3

A MAN FULLY ALIVE is a glimpse into the vision God holds for a man in four major areas. All the success and progress and good fortune in the world will quite possibly deceive a man into thinking that it can’t get any better. When in fact, when a man endeavors to fully align the foundations of his
life, his successes and his endeavors
with Christ, a life to the full is promised and simply waiting for him to experience.

This 4-session workshop for men and young men 13 years old and older walks a guy through the very foundations of his motivation as a man.
Without preaching at men, this experience is designed to excavate a deep desire, a motivation, and a plan from within the heart of a man to desire more to seek out and exist fully alive in Christ.

God’s Word declares to men of every age that there is an existence quite different from living as a dead man, just coasting through our life without a definite call and understanding of God’s vision for us as men.

Ephesians 2:4-5 says: “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.”

The Four Foundational Challenges:

1. A man fully alive in Christ is a man FULLY AWARE of the war he was born into.

2. A man fully alive in Christ is a man FULLY ENGAGED as a spiritual leader of his life and others.

3. A man fully alive in Christ is a man FULLY SURRENDERED to the leadership and his self-identify through Christ.

4. A man fully alive in Christ is a man FULLY EQUIPPED through the power of the Holy Spirit to lead a life to the full in himself and others.

Saint Iraneaus once wrote – “The glory of God is man fully alive.” The simple question men, both successful and down hearted, will be challenged to answer is, “Does my life with its motivations and challenges truly bring glory to my Heavenly Father?” Even more, “How can my life bring glory to God is he doesn’t truly have my life?” The desired outcome of this experience is evidence that men who, in any level or technique, pursue a walk wtih Christ would continue or begin to experience a life to the full.


P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615

Religious Organization



P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615

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