Tile Movers is comprised of people from all over the country who have been a part of one of our events/concerts/retreats, and sense a call to fast and pray with us for future ministry opportunities. This group is also comprised of those God connects to our ministry, whether they have received from our ministry or not. Read on to gain an understanding of exactly how this concept was birthed.
Mark 2:1-5 demonstrates so well this “formula” for powerful, anointed, life-changing, fulfilling ministry. You may know the story well. If not please take just a moment to read of the four men who discerned a need, and passionately found a way to bring a paralytic right the feet of Christ. Verse 5 of this text is the basis for our prayer ministry.
Through the efforts and prayerful support of a group called the “Tile Movers”, our ministry has experienced tremendous blessings and a great sense of support since their inception in 2002. From the very first weekend of ministry, God has connected us with so many incredible people who are faithful prayer warriors for Christ. Our ministry is so blessed by those who have committed to pray for ministry opportunities. The change in the impact in concerts and retreats has been easily evident, with so many significant conversations and life-changing prayer times with individuals following these events.
If it were any holy man, any physician, this paralytic would have been diagnosed immediately, and his cure provided based on his condition. Instead, Jesus hardly even looked at the man it seems. Instead, vs 5 says, Jesus was “impressed by their bold belief.” He sees the four heads peering through the hole made through the tiles of the roof. Based on his discerned understanding of their faith, he turns and heals their friend.
That’s the kind of faith our ministry desires most alongside our “Tile Movers” – faith that is so powerful it is certainly noticed by our Savior. How about you? If this is your deepest desire, you are invited to be a part of our prayer ministry known as the “Tile Movers Ministry.” The name is based on the faith of the four men who creatively and boldly carried their friend to the roof, through the mud and/or tiles of the roof, and right to the feet of Christ. (I felt “tile movers” sounded better than the “mud slingers” ). You are invited to be a part of a group praying with such faith and power that many, many others will be led right to the feet of Christ.
Prior to each ministry opportunity, an email is sent to our Tile Mover’s prayer ministry members with specific requests and concerns for the weekend. In addition, this group of faithful supporters will be asked to pray alongside our ministry for major decisions and the future direction of our ministry. Your walk and your faith are a tremendous place of encouragement and support to me personally and to this ministry. As God continues to open opportunities to us, I pray you will continue to sense your involvement, investment and responsibility to lay our plans, gifts and passion before the throne each weekend.
We believe this is how ministry was designed to be. One individual or a group of leaders committing to go, to risk, to lead for God. God presents opportunities and venues (concerts, church ministries, Sunday School classes, etc…) for these servants to pour out their passion, live creatively, take risks, and demonstrate their own faith journey through their gifts. Then, with only the connection God provides, others sense the potential in a person, or the passion in their soul through Christ. These individuals rally around a move of God if for only to enhance their own faith in seeing God use them in some way through their prayers and encouragement. And together, as the power of faith and the anointing of prayer come together, God seems drawn even more to efforts where there is courage and calling surrounded by faith and intercession.
Phone: +1 316-258-0514
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615
Religious Organization
P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615
Copyright 2023 Todd Braschler | All Rights Reserved.