Intent 1
Intent 2
Intent 3
Intent 4
"Awesome Couples retreat! Todd helped us as a couple married for 34 years to see the vision God has for us and to put into words our mission statement! This was life transforming and powerful!! God bless you!!" Tom & Tina Price, Emmanuel Church, Abilene, KS (2019)
If there was ever a very common reason couple’s eventually went their separate ways through counseling experiences, it was due in part to little, if any, communication and agreement on the direction, the relationship, the vision they held commonly. As a result, a lack of confidence and trust in one another became the basis for a relationship.
Certainly not what God designed marriage to be.
Imagine the incredible power of a couple who could see clearly together the vision God holds for them as a couple, as leaders of their home, and in relationship with one another’s family, with friends, and with God personally. This experience strives to help couple’s deal with the question, “If God totally had his way in our marriage, what would our home, our relationships and our family be like?”
This is a unique experience for couples to assist in defining the personal direction and vision each hold for their relationship, their marriage and their home. More than marriage advice, this is a workshop walking alongside a couple, creating an experience with the result being the articulation of their vision they each hold for one another and for their marriage.
“I got so much out of this retreat because it is so REAL, and I feel will strongly influence my life as well as others.”
Shanda Richardson, Clayton, LA
“The portion of this retreat having the greatest impact on me personally was realizing that the first step was to change my life.”
Marshall Stafford, Clayton, LA (accepted Christ at the conclusion)
“My most significant “ah ha” from this retreat was that my wife loves who I am becoming as a result.” Kevin Skipper, Clayton, LA
“I learned the most about my vision, and that of my husband’s. Now they seem to be more in line than before. We had never really discussed it before. This retreat was different from others like it in that everything was experienced by the presenter. It all made sense, like someone flipped on a light switch.” Vonnie White, Clayton, LA
“The portion of the retreat having the greatest impact on me personally was how I am living in reaction to life and not intentionally.”
Pastor Jerry Sharp, Sunnyside Church, Clayton, LA
One reason I believe marriage is often difficult today, we are in such a hurry to start our life together. We quickly engage steps 4,5,& 6 of a marriage, and never return to solidify steps 1,2,& 3. These initial steps involve taking time to set our course in marriage, to articulate our desires and plans, to align our marriage with each other and the Creator of the concept, Jesus Christ. It’s never too late.
How would you answer the following question?
“If God had his way in our marriage, in our home, in our future, what would it look like?”
Far too often retreats, resources and materials address marriage solely from a “how to” standpoint, addressing what turns out to be symptoms of a “lack of vision” and direction rather than meeting us at our true need.
INTENTIONALLY HIS is a couple’s intensive in discerning, discussing and articulating God’s vision for your marriage in such a way that all other conversations, plans and dreams have a center focus.
If asked about the future of your marriage, your relationship, your friendships, your kids, would you and your spouse share the same vision?
If your kids were asked about the boundaries, the expectations and values you desire in your home, would they be able to articulate these concepts clearly based on your leadership.
What would it be like to have these ideas discovered and articulated on paper to refer back to when the pace of life seems to run your world?
Can you articulate precisely the vision each of your children and your spouse have for themselves, or are they expected to live out your vision for them?
This is a discovery experience, more than a lecture.
1,2, or 3 day retreats offered.
Brought to your location, or attended at a retreat site.
You will depart from this experience with the following clearly articulated:
A clearly discovered and honed, crystal clear vision of God’s desire for your marriage, and those who live in your home.
A set of strong boundaries on how to act, treat others, commitment to do life with others, and beliefs.
A powerful family mission statement that connects the life of your family to the power of the Holy Spirit.
Strategies to become a family God would bless.
Phone: +1 316-258-0514
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615
Religious Organization
P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615
Copyright 2023 Todd Braschler | All Rights Reserved.