Building The Church of His Dreams

Todd Braschler has become a nationally known speaker and retreat leader in the area of investing in men. With opportunities to speak for a variety of events, wild-game banquets, men’s retreats and venues, his passion to see men once again truly leading their families, their communities and their churches grows even deeper.

Typically, rather than just speaking to guys and asking them to simply add this teaching to their lives, Todd’s passion is to go on such a journey over a weekend, that men re-adjust, abandon, even back up and take on a new direction for their lives. This does not occur simply by preaching at men. They must be convinced that perhaps a “mediocre” existence is far short of what God calls them to. That means leading them through a thought process so deep, with evidence of missed alignment in Christ presented, that motivates them to leave their current strategy for serving Christ for a better, more effective, more fulfilling and far more anointed direction for their life and family.

In addition to a variety of ministry opportunities investing in men, Todd is also an avid hunter and fisherman.

Hosting expenses:

Travel expenses: Airfare or travel by vehicle expenses/lodging & meals are requested.

Stipends are negotiable based on the average Sunday morning attendance. Contact Todd directly for this specific information..


P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615

Religious Organization



P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615

Copyright 2023 Todd Braschler | All Rights Reserved.