VM Intro
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VM Clip 7
This experience is all about leading men in hearing and following God’s leadership from deep within their soul more than their head. It only comes after leading a men’s ministry in our church and mistakenly thinking when we asked men to listen and pray to God to hear from him, they knew exactly what we were talking about.
Ephesians 1:18 and Genesis 1:26-28 serve as the foundational scriptures for this 4 session experience, challenging men to listen to leadership of the Holy Spirit with the “eyes of their heart”, and to lean in with their soul to the vision God holds for the man he calls each to be.
“Todd, Thank you! I leave here today a changed man, I can’t wait to begin this journey with my wife. You are doing an amazing work of the Lord so well.” Brenin Richardson, Detroit Lakes, MN
I learned the most about “How I keep trying to add God’s Word to the man I already am. I need to step back and humble myself in a position to hear from God.” Pastor Nick Rupert, River of Life Church, Shoreview, MN
This topic reinforces what our men’s group has been doing for discipleship, but takes it to the next level as far as moving to a man after God’s own heart. Jeremy Buch, Waconia, MN
We arrived late on the opening night and I was struck by the eternal impact on so many men so early in the retreat. Paul Fletcher, New Hope, MN
The most significant “ah ha” from this retreat was “I am defined by who I am to become. Developing a “journey mindset” rather than defining my identity from my past. Rich McKusick, Norwood, MN
You’ve made a great discovery in my relationship with God – how to really connect and allow Him in. Jerry Eischens, Park Rapids, MN
My most significant “ah ha” from this retreat was “A stationary, satisfied man is a man stepping away from God’s leadership in his life. Alex Wineger, Wadena, MN
The portion of this retreat having the greatest impact on me personally was carrying the guilt of anger keeps me from hearing His Word. After a decade, I finally found forgiveness in my heart, and bridged a gap in my relationship with my father through this experience. Zachary Stevens, Wadena, MN
My vision, desire to be a Godly older man. I can actually picture, imagine that. Have a start. Tom Bestland, Cushing MN
Thank you for your perspective on these topics which are not taught anywhere else – love ya brother! Todd Hassell Nashwauk, MN
You can’t see where you are riding a bike clearly if you are staring at the pedals. Look up! Jonathan George, Wadena, MN
After this retreat I feel challenged to step back and look at what my life would look like if God would have his way with me. Mark Roberts, Wagner, SD
After this retreat, I feel like a new person. Jim Hennes, Hilman, MN
After this retreat, I feel changed, renewed back to where I was meant to be. Thank you for the beyond awesome weekend. Honestly, this is the first time I have ever heard you speak and I was blown away. I had never expected this. Joshua Krier, Hastings, MN
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Religious Organization
P.O. Box 628 Branson, Missouri 65615
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